1. Изучить слова (школьные предметы) стр. 50 №1,2.
2. Изучить правило стр. 52 №1. Запоминаем, что после слов like, love, hate следующий глагол ставиться с окончание -ing!! Смотри Видео
Задание для 6г класса (с 13.02 по 16.02)
1. Записать слова с переводом.
Amusement park
Shopping centre
Department store
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1. Упражнение 1. MATCH THE ANIMALS WITH THE DESCRIPTIONS (соотнесите название и описание животных)
- I’m small and green. I can jump and I eat insects.
- I’m green. I have got big teeth and a long tail.
- I’m black and white. I have got small eyes and a beak.
- I’m brown with black stripes. I can run very fast. I live in the jungle.
- I’m big and grey. I have got big ears and a long trunk.
- I’m long and I can’t walk because I haven’t got legs.
- I’m small. I can sing and fly.
- I’m brown or black. I have got a long tail and small ears.
- I have got long legs and two humps. I live in the desert.
- I’m tall. My body is brown with spots I have got a long neck and small ears.
Упражнение 2. Write can or can’t about the animals. Напишите, могут или не могут животные это сделать, используйте СAN или CAN'T.
- Koalas ______sleep in a tree.
- Chameleons ______ change into many colors
- Octopus _______eject ink.
- Ostriches _____ fly
- Turtles ____dig.
Text №2 «Insects» (beginner)
There are more insects on the earth than all other kinds of animals. Insects live everywhere – in the garden, in the pond, in the forests, and even in deserts.Some insects live in the oceans or in very cold places, such as Antarctica.
Let us go to the garden. In the daytime you can see bees, bumblebees, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, wasps and some others. In the nighttime there come mosquitoes, some beetles and night butterflies. Insects are always busy. They try to find food – plants, other insects or nectar from flowers.
Bees collect nectar to take back to their hive for food. They visit more than two thousand flowers each day. Bees make honey and they can sting.
Butterflies are beautiful, brightly coloured insects. Some butterflies live for a year, others live only for a week. Butterflies don’t usually fly at night.
Ladybirds are a type of beetle. Their bright colours tell other animals that they don’t taste very good. Ladybirds are useful because they eat harmful insects.
Dragonflies are very big. Their wings can be 19 cm wide. They are the fastest insects and they can fly up to 97 km an hour.
People who study insects are called entomologists.
Answer the questions to the text:
- Where do insects live?
- What do they look like?
- What do they eat?
- How long do they live?
- Do you know any interesting facts about some insect?
- What do bees make?
- Which insect bites people?
- Which is the fastest insect in the world?